Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Review : Nyx Soft Matte Lip Cream San Paulo

Mau review lenongan baru aaahhh..

since this is my 1st review on 1 product eh iya gak sih.. mau kasi prolog, 
Eh, jadi ya aku tuh never ending eyeshadow sebetulnya and eyeliner deh.. but not for mascara and blush on...
Mascara karena kesian sama bulmatnya , trus pas bersihinnya ada aja ga bersihnya gitu walau uda pake remover apapun deh perasaan, pas bangun pagi ada yg kesisa jd kunti similikiti. Jadi kan musti ngusek-ngusek lagi tuh...
Trus kalo blush on.. hahahhaa.. bedakan aja males, abis smua bedak itu komedogenik, apalagi blush on... takut jerawatgenik hihihii *bahasaapaan sih

Trus, punya eyeshadow uda mayan banyak koleksinya,
diliat-liat... lhaaaa cuma punya lipstick atu, berjudul max factor warna cherry berwarna merah, baiklaaahhh nambahin koleksi deh yang pink buat ganti-ganti... n taraaaaa..

Beli lah aku inih, nyx soft matte lip cream san paulo
Warnanya pink crong ya bok.. Tapi dipake dibibir ga terlalu crong kok.
Its not a lipgloss, nor a lipstick.. well i dont know what should i say about this product. Oh iya, just call it like its name .. lip cream.. apasih raannn huahahaha
I bought it like 62IDR from one of the olshop here. I really love the smell, like vanilla-caramel i dont know..
But it may make ur lips dry if you use it alone, so am suggesting that you put some lip balm first before you apply it on your lips. The texture is very smooth and soft, and comes with matte finishing looks.
It wont kiss off in your glass badly after you drink, but it wont last more than 4hours.. especially after you eat and drink.
I need to reapply at 6.30 pm after twice wudhu - sholat, having my snacks, and dinner, since i applied it at 2pm.

Its a good one , i like it..

What do you think guys, have u tried any of this soft matte lip cream ? what is your fav color ?